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Ron Kopitowsky

As a photographer you become keenly aware of the world you see in front of you. When you view that world through a viewfinder, or on a screen, it becomes a selection of that world. An image, of a moment in time, with light and a subject which will never again be the same, to be captured by some inspiration that is unique to the photographer.

When you process that image it becomes a moment as your mind saw it, perhaps a little different than the naked reality of the world at that time. It might now be only black and white and shades of gray, or something totally different.

It is that impulse to press down when seeing such moments, thinking in split seconds what it might ultimately become that I find inspirational.

That excitement has kept me continually on the search for those images. Images that I want, images that I may elect to share but initially they are for satisfying my own needs.


My photographs have been selected for juried shows for the Long Island Arts Council at Freeport, and at Soho Gallery in NYC. There have been two solo shows at the Art Council in addition to photographs in numerous publications.

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